This is such a good analysis of Billy Graham’s Ted Talk! I really enjoyed how thorough you were when talking about the issues with overloading working memory and how important it is to include cognitive theories to make an effective PowerPoint presentation. It is interesting how Billy was able to change his voice to keep the audience’s attention and indicate that he was moving onto a new topic.
I also like how you embedded a video in your blog post because following the modality principle, spoken words can increase the ability to process and retain information more effectively than written words. It also brings more of a personal aspect to your post.
You have definitely mastered multimedia learning and it is clear to me that you know how to use dual coding theory and cognitive load theory to make an exceptional blog post. I wonder if splitting the information up into smaller sections and incorporating the coherency principle in your post would be beneficial to help guide the reader’s attention even more.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading through your blog post and appreciate the time and effort you spent making it. Fantastic work!
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